
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Xeon the Umbreon Chapter3

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I woke finding myself in some type of infirmary. I was sitting in one of the nest beds. When I started moving I felt pain so I relaxed. I noticed there was a cast around one of my legs. I also noticed a container filled with some kind of money as well as a letter from Pike resting on me. I reached for the letter and started to read it. It said:

Dear Xeon,
we managed to complete our mission. We got paid our share so here's yours to keep. You really saved us back there so you deserve a bit extra, hence the 200 poké. We want to thank you. Without your help we may be gone. Hazel would have been dead. Hope you heal soon.


I don't exactly know what a poké is but I just assumed it was some kind of currency.
Soon a tiny fox with a red tuft of hair on his head and tail came in. It was Zane.
"You saved me from that gang. They were really dangerous. I can tell by your conditions. Luckily for you I'm a skilled medic and just this once I'll let you have this free service. You know, as gratitude"
I thanked him.
"Now it is best you don't use that leg for at least a week or two. It was broken badly. Your life energy was also relatively low so I recommend you eat a lot and rest."
Zane left after telling me this. A little while later Hazel and Frost came in.
"He is heroic enough to be my daddy" I heard Hazel saying to Frost
"Come on Hazel. I told you to stop it. I don't know much about him."
I was smirking a bit.
"I'm sorry just ignore her now. I just wanted to say thank since I didn't yet" Frost replied.
She turned to leave, dragging Hazel through the exit.
"Well it's time to close up. Let's see how well you can stand" Zane said.
I tried to stand but on all fours this time.
"So how does your leg feel" Zane asked.
"To my surprise my leg felt like nothing happened" I replied.
"Impossible let me see" Zane removed the wrap on my leg and as I said my leg was completely undamaged "well I think you could leave now since your leg works"
I went to the exit to leave this place. I said bye and exited. I was walking through Green Town to where I remembered Pikes house was. I nocked on the door and Pike opened it. He was surprised to see me.
"I thought you were injured" Pike said in confusion.
"I think I just healed so fast" I replied in equal confusion.
"Well come in, let's get some sleep" Pike motioned me in.
I slept on the bed for me, and Pike settled on his. I eventually fell asleep. I also managed to get a dream with that mysterious voice again.
"Okay testing can you hear me?" Said the voice.
I replied yes and it seemed to hear me.
"I need your help please rescue me. Do you have any questions?" It said
"First of all where do I meet you" I asked.
"In the Giant Tree Forest hurry I'm so alone. Wait… what the… no… ahhh"
Then I heard static.
"Hello? Are you there? Please come back" nothing responded to me.
I woke up with another jolt. When I woke up I noticed Pike cowering in the opposite corner with his bed. I also notice that my bed and a small area around it was covered in something like pitch black paint.
"I know where to go" I said.
Pike stared at me shaking "The voice was talking to you right?"
"Yes it was. It said I had to meet in the Giant Tree Forest or something like that. It also sounded urgent and was interrupted. I think something is attacking it. We must leave now"
Pike got up to pack stuff in a bag "okay but I hope you know what you are doing. Shall I call the rest of the team?"
"I don't think we should bother them, we could leave them to sleep" I replied "I don't know how dangerous this is so it's up to you, leader."
"We could go by ourselves" said Pike "I don't think it's that dangerous."
After he got packed he went outside, bag on his back with me following him. We went out to the Giant Tree Forest, wherever it was. It was still night time if not twilight so we were in some dark. Soon we came to a place with huge trees. I can only assume that this is the Giant Tree Forest. We went in cautiously. We searched for the Pokemon but we couldn't find it. After we thought we checked everywhere I heard a voice that said "close your eyes".
I asked pike why he said.
"I didn't say anything. What did you hear?" Pike replied.
"I just heard a mysterious voice telling me to close my eyes" I said.
"Try it. You may find the Pokemon" Pike said.
I closed my eyes. Nothing happened immediately but after having closed them for a while three faint blue cloud started to glow in my sight. One was near but the other two were far and one of the far ones were dimmed a lot. Piked asked what I saw and I told him about the clouds.
"You have aura sight! I didn't know. What does mine look like. Anyway can you use it to find the Pokemon?" Pike was excited about this experience.
"There are two clouds that direction one is very faint" I said
"I'm going to assume the faint one is the Pokemon but who is the second one?" Pike said.
"That could be the mystery Pokémon's attacker. We should avoid it" I said.
We cautiously went that direction until we reached by the one with the cloud that wasn't faded. We slowly and quietly walked around it so as not to alert it. After we passed it we came to a pink Pokemon laying on the floor. It looked like me except that there was a gem on its head and no yellow ovals. It looked covered in purple spots that could be bruises. We quickly. Crouched down by it and Pike hoisted it on my back. It finally woke up but was to weak to move. It's eyes closed again but it managed to say stuff.
"Leave me explorers, I don't have anything to reward you with. And you should leave now, a deadly Pokemon is nearby" it said weakly.
Pike just took out an apple a gave it to the injured Espeon. It took a bite but didn't swallow we walked out of the forest careful not to make any noise. As we reached Green Town it was daytime now. We went straight to Zane's hut. He was inside looking at some book when he noticed us.
"My my, what happen? No time to answer we must get it to ER" Zane said.
Pike gave 500 poké to Zane and Zane put the espeon on a stretcher. And rushed to a room. We waited for maybe a few hours until we decided to go to the rest of the group. They were waiting patiently on a bench by the boards with posts on them. When frost saw us she ran over to us.
"Why are you two late" she asked a little angrily.
"We were out last night on a rescue mission. From the looks of it this Pokemon may not even survive" pike replied.
He motioned for the rest to follow and they did. We went back to Zane's hut. He was stitching some cuts on the espeon. The others just looked at it horrified. "What happened" Kipper asked.
"I don't know. Xeon heard a voice of distress and decided to go to the Giant Tree Forest to save it. By the time we got there, the Pokemon was half dead" Pike told him "Super Sevens take the day off. No take the weak off we have to attend to this espeon. If you want to you could go out with frost in charge."
Pike and I went inside when Zane was finished sewing up the espeon. We stood next to it we couldn't tell if it was male or female because of the bruises and the scars and it's voice was hoarse. It's eyes opened slowly but it didn't get up. "Are you okay" I asked small tears appearing in the corner of my eyes.
"I think I'll be fine thank you" it replied.
"What's your name" Pike asked.
"My name? Is Yachi. Thank you for saving me but who are you two" it said.
"I'm Pike" Pike replied "leader of the Super Sevens rescue team"
I just stared without answering, lightly crying.
"I'm not in to much pain you know" said Yachi.
I can immediately tell that was a lie when Yachi tried to move but only succeeded in wincing and cringing. A cut had managed to open back up and blood came through. As pike noticed he dashed in to alert Zane. Zane came in to fix it and we left. We rested at home for a while before Pike said he was grocery shopping. I stayed here on my bed but pike went out. I rested and eventually fell asleep. In my dream I heard the voice again this time with a lot of clarity. It sounded like Yachi.
"A rescue team has rescued me and brought me to Green Town. I'm no longer in the Giant Tree Forest. You also seem close your aura is near" Yachi was saying.
I told Yachi I was the umbreon. But she gasped in disbelief.
"The Umbreons aura isn't what I'm looking for. Your aura is to dark"
"Believe it or not, I am that umbreon" I said
"Impossible have I been pursuing the wrong person?" She said surprised.
"I don't know, who are you looking for" I asked.
"You use to be a different creature before right?"
"I think I used to be a po- person" I said using that word again.
"Is your name zero by any chance?" Yachi asked.
"Close. My name is Xeon."
"Sorry I must have been looking for the wrong Pokemon but that aura is still near. And yours did not match! I am totally confused. Oh and thank you. You saved me from a dangerous Pokemon. A really dangerous Pokemon. If you didn't come I would be as good as dead"
"No problem. Still looking for answers though. Like how did I get here or why can't I remember anything before three days ago" I said
"I will answer your questions like I promised. Meet me in the infirmary tomorrow"
I responded yes and immediately was jolted awake. It was night time. Pike sleeping to the side of me. Grocery bags on the table. I went back to sleep.
Here is chapter 3 of Xeon's amazing journey.
Who is this mysterious espeon and how does she know what Xeon is? Was she really the one talking to him in his first weird dream? Who is Zero and why did Xeon get mistaken for him... or her?

stay tuned _φ(・_・

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